Thursday, December 29, 2005

Unrelenting Winter Heatwave

It's interesting to think that it's late December, nearing the middle of winter, and I'm writing this in shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals. You may think it's because I live in New Mexico, but it seems like it has never been this warm this time of year. I'm wishing below-freezing temperatures and a few inches of snow for the rest of the winter, but at this rate, I may never go snowboarding! And finally, I wish it would get cooler so I can wear the new peacoat that Kristen bought me without having to sweat my butt off. Winter! Where are you!?

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Impressions

This Christmas I really wanted a Nintendo DS and a copy of Mario Kart. Having received both of those items this holiday season, you could easily guess how eager I was to try Nintendo's new online service for gameplay. Much to my surprise, I was a bit disappointed. The first thing you'll notice when going online with Mario Kart is how slow it takes to try and locate three potential competitors for you to race with. Once you've found someone to race against, it's smooth sailing from there! Mario Kart's biggest upset with online play is that you are limited to racing only! Not only is it impossible to select the gameplay mode, but you also cannot configure any CPU players to compete against. Don't get me wrong. Having human competition is by far the way to go, but it would be nice to be able to do a balloon battle rather than racing over and over again and again. Head-to-head play makes up for this by allowing you to configure the gameplay mode, difficulty, and even a few other rules. Next on my list of grievances is Animal Crossing. Being a huge fan of this game for Nintendo GameCube, I was thinking that this game could have no flaws what-so-ever. However, tonight I wanted to go online and have a virtual meet-up in my brother's town. We could not, for the love of Tom Nook, get our connections to work properly! My town's gatekeeper kept telling me something along the lines of, "This isn't working right now, so you can try again, but it's probably not going to work, so maybe you ought to find something else to do with your time, like writing about how bad the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection sucks with Animal Crossing!" Lo and behold, you're reading about that now. At any rate, despite the early frustrations, Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection seems promissing. The limitations are a deliberate attempt to prevent bad people from messing with you, your children, or chopping down all of your fruit trees. I have nothing but faith that future Nintendo releases that utilize the wi-fi connection will be fine. I'm ranting just to rant.

Monday, December 12, 2005 v3.0 is Live!

After weeks of planning and recoding,'s first major redesign is complete! Well, at least it's almost complete. I'll still be spending some time working on the stylesheet, but the important fact remains: we have content to download! Be sure to check out the much anticipated Music page, and the small-but-growing Downloads page. The only thing missing at the time of writing this is my Portfolio, but I'm currently working on fixing that in Flash. So if you're viewing this page in an RSS reader like Safari, make sure you check out the new look. As always, I encourage you to give me some feedback on the new design. What do you like? What would you change? Should I make a new logo? More or less geekiness? Photo albums? Also, as I wrap up yet another semester of college life, I have been asked to blog regularly about this and that. You can definitely expect more of that in the coming weeks. As we get closer to Christmas, expect to see some holiday themed photos and downloads. TTFN!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

USB Lantern & Speaker

In keeping with tradition, another Japanese company releases something way cool and fresh. This Mac OS X and Windows compatable lantern is not only a light source, but it doubles as a speaker. I wonder how it sounds and how I can get one of these on my desk! Product page @

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Bye Bye Tables!

The foundation for Scottdot 3.0 has been laid, and in the next few days I shall get the walls and roof up too. You need to provide your own plumbing and electricity, though.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


In an effort to keep up with the times and evolving web design standards, Scottdot will be heavily updated and changed in the next week. Beginning tonight with the launch of a new design, the coming week will see enormous additions to the content of this site. Why are these changes FINALLY being implemented? I am finishing my graphic design degree next week, and as a part of my final web design class, I've decided to polish the code up here on Scottdot and really use some elbow greese. As of tonight, the template is pure CSS, which means faster load times (hopefully) and cleaner code (no more tables). Expect some problems as I iron out the bugs in the next week, so please have some patience. It will be well worth it once I have downloads online.