Sunday, January 08, 2006

Scottdot's New Host

The saddest part is I could foresee this coming a few months ago. Greg shut down the server that was hosting Scottdot. Once this was confirmed, I was scrambling to find the most affordable and feature-rich host for Scottdot, and I think I found that with Site5. Before I go on, I want to sincerely thank Greg for allowing me to park my site on his server for the past two years. You can show your appreciation by checking out one of his many sites: The bad part is the downtime suffered. However, the good news is that the new server will accomidate PHP and MySQL! This means that I can further modernize this site into something,, neat(er)! In the coming months, I plan on familiarizing myself with the PHP language, and I hope to have the whole site completely rewritten by the first day of Spring!

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